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02 Fast Track - Tasks & Workflows
02 Fast Track - Tasks & Workflows
Todd Kivimaki avatar
Written by Todd Kivimaki
Updated this week

Video 2:

Video 2 Overview:

1. Introduction

  • Welcome and overview of the video series

  • Importance of watching the first video before proceeding

2. Accessing the Task Builder

3. Creating Your First Task

  • Task Name: Edit HDR Photos

  • Task Type: Select "Job"

  • Task Category:

    • Create a new category if it's your first time

    • Name the category (e.g., Photo Editing)

    • Select an appropriate icon

  • Instructions: Provide detailed instructions for the editor

    • Example instructions provided

  • Setting Due Date:

    • Choose delivery expectations (every day vs. weekdays)

    • Set a specific time for delivery (e.g., 6 or 7 a.m.)

  • Assigning the Task: Select the editor and create the task

4. Creating the Second Task: Quality Control and Delivery

  • Close the first task and click "Create New"

  • Task Name: QC Photos and Deliver Media

  • Task Type: Select "Job"

  • Task Category: Create a new category for QC and delivery

  • Instructions: Provide basic instructions for quality control

  • Using System Task Option:

    • Select the option for sending a delivery email

    • Choose the appropriate email template

  • Setting Due Date:

    • Commonly set to one day after the editing task

    • Specify a time for delivery (e.g., 12 p.m.)

  • Assigning the Task: Select the responsible person and create the task

5. Conclusion

  • Summary of tasks created (to-do items)

  • Preview of the next video: Assigning tasks to services

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