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Spiro Updates - July 3rd 2023
Todd Kivimaki avatar
Written by Todd Kivimaki
Updated over a year ago

Hello everyone, we are happy to release the latest updates to Spiro! Please keep the feedback coming as our updates are directly connected to user feedback!

  1. Private Order Pages

    1. In order to give you more flexibility with promotions we have added the ability to make an Order Page "Private". Private Order Pages when linked to an agent or company account will not show in the order page dropdown but do allow a logged in agent to place an order when the page is linked to their account.

      1. With a Private Order page you can create a special promotional order page that you can advertise on a landing page, or social media or email campaign that will allow users to order from but not select the order page from their order page selection menu in the portal

  1. Agent/Company Default Order Page

    1. When multiple Order Pages are linked to an Agent account and now you will be able to set the default Order Page for each agent. The Default Order Page is the page that will be pre-selected when they are logged in and placing an order

      1. Agents can always changes this Default Order Page (if more than 1 is assigned) by using the Order Page Selection Menu in the Agent Portal

  1. Changing the sort order of Agent/Company Linked Order Page

    1. When multiple Order Pages are linked an agent account you now have the ability to change the order they will appear in the dropdown selection menu on the Agent Portal

  1. Exporting Monthly Invoice List

    1. You can now export a list of paid/unpaid invoices. You can use this feature to quickly pull a month report into excel to track revenue and unpaid invoices.

    2. How to Export a Monthly Invoice List

  1. Single Property Website Mobile Optimization - All of the Single Property Websites have been updates to support all new phone resolutions in vertical or horizontal orientation

  1. Improvements to Universal Search - Universal Search is a quick and easy way to find an: Agent, Order, Company or Team. You can access universal search in the Admin Portal by clicking the search bar or pressing the "/" on your keyboard

    1. Search speed and results have been re-engineered and improved!

  1. Google Calendar and your Appointment Onsite Duration - when you modify an order and the duration changes we will not automatically update your Google Calendar appointment

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