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June 9th 2023 Updates
Todd Kivimaki avatar
Written by Todd Kivimaki
Updated over a year ago

We have some exciting updates this week, thank you all for the continued feedback.

  1. Sort order of Services in a Bundle

    1. You are now able to change the sort order of Services in a Bundle. Simply drag and drop them to change the display order to your clients. You do not need to enable editing to change the sort order of Services

  2. Photographer Completion Data - included in Onsite Tracking View

    1. Now you can quickly review all of the Photographer Completion data efficiently from the Onsite Tracking Job View pop up

  3. Universal Search - Orders Improved

    1. When searching for an Order more result information has now been added to allow you to quickly and easily find the needed job

  4. Modifying a Bundle on an Order Page

    1. Previously you would have to create a copy of a Bundle to enable editing and then after your changes were saved you would have to Publish and Enable the new copied Bundle. This step has been removed! Now you can simply enable editing of the bundle and when you are complete and click save you no longer need to Publish or Enable the Bundle. This is all done in one easy quick step!

  5. Improved Filtering - we have updated the filtering on several pages to make finding your data much easier!

    1. Admin Portal - "Orders" - we now show ALL orders regardless the phase for the last 2 weeks.

    2. Client Portal - "Listings" when your clients visit their portal and look for past listings they will see the more recent 50 Orders. For Orders over 50, the users simply needs to visit the next page:

    3. Media Library - the Media Library is the external link (no sign in required) showing an Agents past listings. This is now showing the most recent 50 Orders with the ability to go back in pages to show more than 50 Orders

  6. Naming of property website - we previously used the term "Display Page" and "Display Page Management" to reference the property website and property website editor. With feedback we realized these terms were not clear. The new names are "Single Property Website" and Property Website Editor". Various buttons throughout the portal have been updated

  7. Bundle Creation - We have removed the ability to add an inactive Service to a Bundle. Previously adding an inactive Service to a Bundle would give a false positive that the Service was going to show and be included to the agent.

  8. Credits - Credits now show to your clients in their Portal under the Invoicing link

  9. Pop up alerting of a fee when your client reschedules or cancels.

  10. Basic Stats for the Single Property Website

    1. There is now a simple stat counter at the bottom of every single property website (branded and non branded).

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