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Set Visibility of an Order Page
Set Visibility of an Order Page
Todd Kivimaki avatar
Written by Todd Kivimaki
Updated over 11 months ago

Visibility can be set on your order pages to be either Public or Private. Spiro checks the visibility of an Order Page for Agents who are logging in to place an order. If an Order page is linked to an Agent record they have the ability to place an order from that page, however, if the order page is set to be Private the order page will not show or be delectable in the order page dropdown menu in the agent portal.

Why link a Public Order Page to an Agent account?

Public Order Pages when linked to an Agent account will be visible in the Order Page drop-down menu. Clients can choose the order page they wish to place an order. IE Residential, Commercial, AirBNB, etc

Why link a Private Order Page to an Agent account?

When you link a Private Order Page to an Agent account it will not be visible in the Order Page dropdown menu, the agent will have to directly visit the link to place an order. You can use this Private setting for promotional order pages. Create an Order Page and set the visibility to Private, then Link it to any applicable Agents or Companies. Advertise this link directly to the agent on Social Media, any landing page, etc. When the agent visits the link directly they will be allowed to place an order, however without first visiting this link they will not be able to select the order page from the dropdown menu.

How to Set the Visibility of an Order Page to Private

Find and Edit your Order Page

1. Click on Settings

Click on Settings

2. Set "Visibility Type" to Private

3. Click on Private (Hidden)

Click on Private (Hidden)

4. Click on Save Changes

Click on Save Changes

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