You have the ability to apply credits to an Agent account inside the Agent settings. Credits can be used to give a discount on an order or to give a refund for a past order/mistake. We would suggest before you use credits you define in your business logic how you will use Credits vs Coupons. Both allow money to be taken off an order.
Tip: We suggest you use credits in cases where you would give money to a client, a refund, a referral etc. Coupons then would be use for promotional offers.
2. Click on Clients…
3. Click on Agents
4. Search for the Agent account where you would like to apply the Credit
5. Click the Manage icon
6. Inside the Agent account click on Credit Management
7. On the Credit Management box click "Manage Credits"
8. Click on Manage Credits
9. Enter the Credit Amount
10. Enter the Reason for Credit
11. Click on Save
12. The credit will now be viewable in the Credit Management box
If you need to remove credits from their account you can do so by simply entering a negative value corresponding to the amount that needs to be removed.