There are 2 ways to cancel and reschedule an appointment:
This is how your clients can modify an appointment on their own.
We suggest you use this method for 2 reasons
Real Time Availability will be shown for you to select a new appointment
If a cancel/reschedule fee should be assessed based on your company settings Spiro will handle these charges
We use this method at our REP company as it takes the user error out of rescheduling and let's the system tell you what is possible
This method is admin only
Less safeguards in place
Let's you choose an overlapping appointment
If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment for a Client you can do so from the Confirmation page.
To Reschedule or Cancel an Order
Search for the Order and edit by going to the Order Overview page
Client the "Confirmation Link"
Select if you would like to Reschedule or Cancel
Follow the prompts on the screen
Admin Override - "Reschedule" button
Admin Options Explained
Keep the current status and only change the arrival time
MOST POPULAR - Change the Date/Time (leave all else the same)
Change the current status to unscheduled and also change the arrival time
Unschedule the Job but set a draft date/time
Force change the current status to pending and schedule it again later
Unschedule the job (to schedule later)
Mark this order as rescheduled (with a possible reschedule fee) and schedule it again later
Unschedule job and charge fee is applicable (and schedule later)