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Best Practices for Renaming and Uploading Images
Todd Kivimaki avatar
Written by Todd Kivimaki
Updated over 9 months ago

We want to make sure your uploading process is easy and streamlined in Spiro. Please follow the tips below to make your uploading process the most efficient!

  1. Filenames Matter

    1. Spiro will automatically order your photos based on the filename you have given each photo. We suggest you rename your photos in sequential order on your computer (or have your editor) do this prior to the upload

    2. NOTE: You must force a 2 or 3 digit sequence number (IE 001, 002, 003). If you use a single digit number your ordering will be off (IE 1, 2, 3). Computers will see the order of a single digit number to be 1, 10, 2, etc (yes it will put 10 after 1!)

    3. This is quick and easy to do in Adobe Bridge

    4. Bonus Tip: Add a Text Field with your company name to the photo, this will stick with the file when it is downloaded and uploaded to MLS, social media etc so your company is always attached to this image!

  2. How To Video

  3. Size Limit = 20 mb per image

    1. Upload your HQ images to Spiro but keep them under 20mb each, we will automatically create the Web resolution for you (2000px on the long side at 72dpi)

    2. If you must upload images larger 20mb please contact us for an enterprise quote

  4. Use the Dropbox integration for auto import back into Spiro

    1. When you integrate Dropbox you can create a watch folder that will automatically import the photos back into the gallery. No more manual uploading

      1. This works great when using an editor/team member!

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