For all Agent Orders
An agent may have one or many team members who need notified when an order is placed. On each order the agent can type in these people but the agent can also add these parties on their profile to automatically appear on every order.
Here's a step-by-step on how you can add those contact
1. Click on Search
2. Search for the Agent you want to add default additional contacts
3. Click on Place Order
4. Click on dropdown trigger
5. Click on Settings
6. Click on Account Managers & Contacts
7. Click on Add Additional Contact
8. Enter the Information about the additional contact
9. Click on Save
10. Now this contact will be added to every order automatically!
For All Agent Invoice Emails
If your agent needs someone to always receive all emails they can add that person to the portal. Remember you can log in as the agent so you can do this for them as well
1. Click on dropdown trigger
2. Click on Settings
3. Click on Billing Details
4. Enter in the Email address
5. If you need to add Additional Email Addresses click the "Add Recipient" button